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Homemade Faux Tater Tot Casserole

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

2 lbs ground grass fed beef

1 lb Idaho russet potatoes peeled and quartered

1 qt chicken bone broth

1 cup raw cashews soaked in 2 cups water

2 cups water to add to food processor to make milk

4 oz biologique mushrooms (white button will work)

1/2 white onion diced

2 T white onion minced

1 cup cashew milk

1 1/2 T arrowroot starch

3 tsp garlic 4th & heart ghee divided

2 tsp salt

1 tsp roasted garlic powder

1 tsp toasted onion powder

1/4 tsp black pepper or to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees convection

  1. Soak cashews in water to cover for at least two hours. Drain and rinse. Place in good processor with 2 cups water and blend till milk consistency. (Use one cup for soup). Store rest for later use.

  1. In large pan bring quart of chicken broth to boil. Add potatoes and boil ten minutes then drain broth into tempered glass measure. Grate potatoes large side grater.

  1. In bowl add minced onion and half the seasonings and combine set aside to fold into potatoes

  2. Set aside 1/2 cup diced mushrooms for soup.

  3. Sauté 1 1/2 tsp ghee with mushrooms and remaining onion in large pan cook two minutes then add ground beef sprinkle with half seasonings. Brown throughout and drain.

  1. Melt 1 1/2 tsp ghee add 1 1/2 T arrowroot starch and brown slightly stirring constantly with whisk. Add 2 cups chicken broth from boiled potatoes and whisk cooking on low heat till thickened. Add 1/2 cup mushrooms and 1 cup cashew milk cooking on low heat while potatoes are cooling.

  1. Mix soup with ground beef and place in 13 x 9” pan sprayed with EVOO. Fold minced onion into grated potatoes. Top ground beef with scoops of potato and bake for 30-25 minutes.

Serve with avocado or olives.


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